Care for Your Outdoor Barefoot Shoes Made of Greased Leather

Greased leather is the most robust type of leather and is always used when it is exposed to high stress. It is also very easy to maintain. We use it for our ZAQQ outdoor and hiking shoes.
What is Greased Leather
As the name suggests, the leather is coated with a layer of grease. This makes it particularly resistant without losing its suppleness. It is usually smooth leather, but nubuck or suede leather can also be used, which is waxed. For the layperson, it is difficult to recognize whether it is greased leather. It can look shiny like smooth leather, but also matte like rough leather.
The best way is to do the fingernail test. Run your fingernail over the surface. If a distinct line appears, it is greased leather.
Greased leather is also used for vintage looks. The scratches and wrinkles that are easily worked into the leather make the material appear typically vintage.
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ZAQQ Outdoor Barefoot Shoes Made of Greased Leather
Of course, you don't have to do the fingernail test, you can also simply check under the respective material description. With us, you will find greased suede and waxed nappa leather.
Cleaning, Maintaining, and Waterproofing Greased Leather
The care of shoes made of greased leather is not at all laborious. It is best to clean them with a soft brush or a damp cloth. Afterwards, the shoes are waterproofed. The Active Biwax Spray, which already contains care waxes, is best suited for this.
If you want to care for the leather even more or repair scratches or abrasion marks, you can apply a wax-containing shoe polish after drying. Make sure you use a colorless product. Since the shoe polish only enhances the existing layer of grease, it does not penetrate deep into the leather but remains as a protective film on the surface. If you use colored shoe polish, it may cause the shoes to rub off on the hem of your pants.
Before treating the entire shoe with a wax-containing care cream, test it on a small, hidden area first. We recommend the colorless shoe care Rustical Tube.