Barefoot running - the technology briefly explained

Barfußlaufen – Die Technik kurz erklärt

Anyone who deals with the technique of walking barefoot quickly understands why shoes with a thick sole, high heel and too narrow cut are not health -promoting and why it is better to switch to barefoot shoes.

In order to recognize the advantages of barefoot shoes, we would like to briefly explain the basics of walking barefoot.


Basics of walking barefoot

Perhaps barefoot running may sound like a new trend, but far from it. Rather, it is the return to natural running.

With natural gait, the focus is on stability and security, regardless of running speed, surface or weather conditions. When walking barefoot, we have all the prerequisites for a safe and joint -friendly gait via the anatomy of the foot and the nerve pathways there. Nature gave us everything we need for it.

BARFUSS running trains important muscle groups, at the same time strengthens the back and promotes blood circulation. We can also absorb electrons when walking barefoot, which we need in sufficient quantities for a strong immune system. You can read more about the last topic under the keyword grounding or Earthing.

Basically, when walking barefoot, the following three aspects can be emphasized:


The intrinsic feedback over nerves

The sole of the foot has the highest concentration of nerve endings. When running barefoot, movements can be perceived and regulated.

Different substrates from slippery, soft, warm, cold to uneven or beksy are felt perfectly when walking barefoot and passed on over the nerve tracts. The movement sequence is intuitively adjusted to always run safely and stable and to ward off dangers.


Movement control over the big toe

The human foot is incredibly complex in its structure. It consists of 36 bones, 33 joints and over 20 muscles. In its natural shape, the foot has a V-shape, it runs wide apart at the front, because the toes are not close to each other.

Natuer-V-shape foot

The big toe is particularly important for the gang. It ensures balance when walking barefoot, controls the movement and ensures stability. At first glance, you can see that the big toe is a central role, because it is significantly larger than everyone else. It is particularly strong in its natural form and stands a little outwards. This is the only way to perform its intended tasks in perfection.

Studies show that feet of people who run a lot of barefoot not only have a natural V-shape, but are significantly wider than in people who are constantly in too tight shoes. This shows in an impressive way that the foot has been preserved in barefoot runners in its natural anatomical form and has significantly stronger muscles.


Natural shock absorption via muscles and tendons

When running barefoot, the anatomy of the foot ensures a completely natural shock absorption. Shock -absorbing shoes are absolutely superfluous.

The arches behave like a spring in the movement, it can stretch and pull together to browse bumps. The so-called cable winch mechanism (English: Mechanism windlass) causes the establishment of the longitudinal arch and the stabilization of the foot when walking, running and jumping.

In addition, nature gave us a small fat pad on the heel, which ensures additional shock absorption when occurring.


With this knowledge you probably want to take off your shoes immediately and continue to run barefoot. Maybe you can feel pain in your muscles, tendons and joints after a short time.

Due to the years of wearing too narrow shoes, we have forgotten our natural movement sequence when running. The muscles are stunted and the rolling also seems to be quite cumbersome at first. We have to slowly get used to running barefoot and ideally do special exercises to learn the natural walk without footwear again.


Problems with conventional footwear

Shoes are considered an important fashion accessory today. The optics are more important to many sponsors than health. The groin shape of the shoes is usually much too narrow and most models run too pointed at the front. Our feet have got used to being squeezed in the shoe over the years. Many people don't even notice that this changes the natural foot shape.

Anyone who has internalized the basics of walking barefoot quickly understands why walking barefoot is so healthy and why modern shoes with a thick sole, damping properties and too close a cut can occur.


The foot is changed by wearing such shoes in its anatomy and the contact of the nerve pathways and the floor is lost. As a result, the foot muscles stunted on the one hand and on the other hand the intrinsic feedback comes completely lost. Due to the lack of foot muscles and the loss of information that we perceive over the nerve pathways, the entire gait image changes.

Modern shoes with all their properties mean that we develop an incorrect running style. The steps grow up and it is no longer rolled up properly. The foot is constantly restricted and the important foot muscles ate. The result is different anatomical changes such as ceiling, spreading and flat feet or even hallux valgus.

If the foot changes in its natural form, this also has consequences for the entire body. The walk without the usual footwear feels unstable and simply not good, although it is the most natural form of locomotion. It is not uncommon for the causes of back pain, knee and hip complaints or herniated discs to be in the foot.

Unfortunately, the risk of injury in sports also increases if the foot with all its wonderful properties is no longer working properly due to the lack of muscles and the weak ligaments and tendons.



The very best for a healthy anatomy would be permanent barefoot running. Since this is not always possible in our modern society, you should rely on footwear, which ensures that the natural movement sequence and contact with the ground are preserved. You can achieve exactly that with ZAQQ barefoot shoes.


ZAQQ barefoot shoes support the natural course

Barefoot shoes anatomy foot 

Support barefoot shoes intrinsic feedback

With our ZAQQ barefoot shoes, the sole is so thin and flexible that impulses are passed on to your nerve pathways. Despite the shoe, the intrinsic feedback is passed on and ensures that you can intuitively adapt your movements to your movements as when walking barefoot.


Barefoot shoes enable movement control over the big toe

ZAQQ barefoot shoes have a wide toe box. So your foot can move in the shoe in the natural anatomy. The toes have enough space to open up in the V-shape and the big toe can easily balance and stabilize movement sequences, as nature intended.


Maintenance and structure of muscles as a natural shock absorber

If you have strong muscles and tendons, you don't need shoes with shock absorption. The shock absorption is naturally created for every healthy person. The prerequisite for this is the natural gait to permanently claim the muscles and tendons.

In Zaqq barefoot shoes, your foot has enough space and can roll out and move the foot as the nature intended via the thin, highly flexible sole. As a result, you train your foot muscles with every step and use your tendons and ligaments in a natural way.

Of course, our thin and flexible barefoot soles have no explosion. Just like when walking barefoot, you have no height difference in our barefoot shoes from the heel to the bale.


Switch to barefoot shoes

If you start wearing conventional footwear to run into barefoot shoes after years of wearing, muscles and tendons have to get used to the new load. Maybe you will get sore muscles, maybe even slight joint or back problems will be added. As with any other training session, your foot muscles must be slowly built up and get used to the new load.

Don't make the mistake of wanting too much. Be sure to give your body time to adapt to the new requirements. Your foot muscles with the associated tendons and ligaments were probably not properly used for years and is therefore stunted.

It is best to try as often as possible without running shoes to build the muscles. The easiest way to do this is on a soft meadow or on the beach. Later you can tackle terrain who demand more from your feet.

If you want to switch to barefoot shoes, but have not yet trained your foot muscles, it is advisable to only wear them for a few hours and increase the stress of day by day. In this way, tendons and ligaments can get used to the load and the foot muscles can slowly build up. You will only develop a natural and joint -gentle corridor with strong musculture as well as stable ribbons and tendons.


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